You’re almost ready to begin writing. In fact, you already have. Those stacks of notes you just made will become your paragraph topics in the next step.
Before you really begin to write, think about your subject one more time. Look over your stacks. Can you arrange them in an order that makes sense?
For example, these stacks of notes about the hornet were arranged by general info, diet, habitat, impact and prevention. It made sense to put “general info” first since that information is like an introduction to the subject, hornets. Diet might come next since the food an organism eats often determines where it lives (habitat).
The order you choose and how you label topics is really up to you. Just make sure you can explain why you’ve chosen to arrange the notes the way you have.
IMPORTANT: Write the topic or an abbreviation of the topic in the upper right corner. Then, use a paperclip to keep all the notes in each pile together so you don’t lose them!