Critter Crafts

Ladybug Crown

Image Craft3 Ladybugcrown

Become the king or queen of the ladybugs! All you need is some construction paper and household art supplies, and you can make a crown of your own.


  • red and black construction paper
  • scissors
  • 2 black pipe cleaners
  • tape
  • pencil
  • glue


  1. Cut 4 hearts from black or red construction paper*
  2. Cut 2 or 3 strips of red construction paper about 4 inches thick and tape the strips together end to end*
  3. Measure the child’s head with the long strip of red paper and cut off the excess *
  4. Cut small circles out of the black construction paper and glue the circles to the red strip*
  5. Wrap the pipe cleaners around a pencil to create a “spring”
  6. Glue or tape a heart to the top of each pipe cleaner. Flip over and repeat (there should be 2 hearts on each pipe cleaner)
  7. Glue or tape the pipe cleaners to the back of the red strip so they sit at the front of the head
  8. Glue or tape the two ends of the red strip together to make your crown!

*Adults should help young children with these steps