Critter Crafts

Bat Treat Cup

Image Craft13 Battreatcup

You only need a tin can and some household supplies like paper plates and paint to make a Bat Treat Cup to fill with spooky treats. This craft is perfect for Halloween or any spooky time of year!


  • tin can
  • paper plate
  • paint
  • wiggle eyes
  • craft glue
  • scissors
  • paint brush


  1. Paint the outside of the tin can and the entire paper plate black
  2. Paint a mouth on the one side of the tin can
  3. Add the wiggle eyes (you can paint the eyes on if you like)
  4. Once the paint is dry, cut the paper plate in half
  5. Along the straight edge of half the paper plate, cut a scalloped edge to make the bat’s wings
  6. Glue the wings on the side of the can, opposite the face
  7. Let the glue dry before you move the Bat Treat Cup around!